Exhibitor of national and international art fairs and gallery exhibitions/events. These consist of: Aqua Miami 2019, Market Art+Design-Hampton 2018, ArtExpo NYC 2012, 2013, 2014, Art Santa Fe 2010. She has had multiple solo and group exhibitions in Connecticut and NYC areas.
She has created more than 300 artworks in neo-folk, realistic, surrealistic, pop-art and experiments with multiple techniques (crystals mosaic, oil stitching, collage ) and different media: oil, acrylic, watercolor, gold and silver leaf, epoxy, Swarovski® crystals, fabric, sequences, beads, and paper collage.
As founder of Conceptual Collection Dollar Art which features social, political, and economical issues, she has collaborated with galleries in NYC, Europe, Miami: Art Central Galleria ( NYC), Katarina Zavodska Contemporary, Big Art Now (Palm Beach, Mi-ami), Flat Space Art (London, UK) in furthering her purpose.
Oksana has exhibited at Casa Museu Medeiros e Almeida (Lisbon, Portugal), Ukrainian Art Museum and Library of Stamford, MieceORA Museum (Jersey City). Since 2012 , she's been a featured artist of New York City Fashion Week, presenting her fashion fine art series to visitors at iconic places of NYC such as: Times Square Manhattan (Crown Plaza), Waldorf Astoria, New Yorker Hotel.
Artworks by Oksana Tanasiv are in private collections worldwide.
Oksana Tanasiv
48h x 36w
oil, silver leaf and Swarovski crystals on canvas
Oksana Tanasiv
48h x 36w
oil and Swarovski crystals on canvas
Oksana Tanasiv
40h x 30w
oil on canvas
46x46w - Acrylic on canvas